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Nasa Target Depth Sounder

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 11:36 am
by Sabre27Admin
United Kingdom
24 Posts

Posted - 13/04/2010 : 22:10:29
Hi everyone,
We have now had Backdraft in the water for 3 weeks and stayed every weekend so far, it was a little chilly the first few weekends but last weekend was so good we stayed on Sunday night and went straight to work on Monday.
So glad I read your forum and took the leap to buy a Sabre 27 my wife and son who had never sailed before just love it and don`t want to go home (sometime soon I might even be allowed to sail the boat myself!!!!).
I have a Target depth sounder but am havig problems with it, when I turn it on it just reads E and doesnt change. I have the depth alarm set for 2m and at low tide the alarm does go off but I would have assumed that it should give a depth reading at all times. I have taken the transducer out of the oil tube that it sits in as it is not a through hull type but can anyone shed any light on this for me.

Many thanks
United Kingdom
51 Posts

Posted - 14/04/2010 : 09:50:23 Sunfly's Homepage Edit Reply Reply with Quote View user's IP address Delete Reply
Hi Kyle

sounds like you're having a lot of fun - this is excellent motivation for me to get my boat seaworthy again as quickly as possible!

I had a quick look through the manual, (online here: ... 20Wind.pdf ) but it doesn't mention anything about error messages. Presumeably you have checked the connection t the transducer. Might also be worth checkin it is getting the requisite 12V and/or checking the power connectins, although if it's turning on this is unlikely to be a problem.

You say the depth alarm is working, are you sure it's right - might be worth checking it against a plumb line. won't directly solve the problem but maybe useful in diagnosis.

Failing all that, I'd give Nasa a call.

sorry not to be of more help!

Nothing - absolute nothing half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats

United Kingdom
24 Posts

Posted - 15/04/2010 : 15:51:17
Many thanks for the response. I am going down again to spend the weekend on her so I will do a little more fiddling around!!!

Hope you get your boat sorted and if you are ever passing by Ardglass or Strangford Lough give us a call.
