Bloody engine!

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Bloody engine!

Post by Sabre27Admin »

United Kingdom
40 Posts

Posted - 01/05/2016 : 19:45:25

Hi all,

so we are just about to go for round two , hopefully we'll make it further than Fecamp!!! Fired up the engine today planned to run it for an hour in the marina under power! Baring in mind I rebuilt this and put it back in the boat last year I would have expected it to run without issue as it happened we got some white smoke a bit more than expected out of the exhaust and the engine started to get hot so I removed the thermostat and tested and it opens in water guesstimated to be about 60 degrees! I have put this back in and ran her for around 10 minutes. It started and ran fine but after I put some load on her the water coming out of the exhaust slowed down and got hot after a few minutes! Obvisiously not a lot of water getting through to cool the engine. So she heated up a little again you can still hold you hand on her for a long period of time!

In addition to the lack of water coming out of the back there was an increase in the amount of white smoke normally I would expect to see a puff here and there but not this much.

So I took the impeller housing off. Ruined the gasket so fashioned a new one from a peice of 1mm rubber! Should work till the replacement arrives. The impeller was in one peice and looked as though it had been working ok. I did notice on disconnection of the water pipes from the impeller housing lots and lots of warm water ran from the engine...

The engine is a yammer yse12 she ran completely fine this time last for 13 hours! And again in June!

Rebuild consisted of new piston cylinder head, injector, thermostat complete clean and star again. Also a new head!

Any ideas this engine is not going to stop the trip again! Help would be greatly appreciated, I can't get an engineer till Tuesday!

roy tall
United Kingdom
6 Posts

Posted - 02/05/2016 : 18:35:09
Iknow its the obvious but have you checked the inlet filter? Blow it down with dingy pump,

United Kingdom
27 Posts

Posted - 03/05/2016 : 22:28:42
I had a problem very similar in my YSM12. The raw water feed pipe was collapsing with the suction from the impellar. A new re-inforced hose fixed this.

United Kingdom
27 Posts

Posted - 05/10/2016 : 19:11:50

Was this issue sorted? I am feeling intrigued as to the cause.

Happy Sailing


United Kingdom
40 Posts

Posted - 08/03/2017 : 10:59:25
Hi, there this was a long time ago but as the story goes... We managed to fix the problem in port... However when we put the motor on to get throught the shipping lanes the water stopped again.

So we gave a call tot he coast guard to let them know our situation and GPS co's as we were in the middle of the UK side of the shipping lane. The coast guard were great but all the while wanted to send someone to tow us in... Not really they way we wanted to go. We want to be able to fix it ourselves so....

We popped out the seacock the water flow was slow. I started ramming it with a long screwdriver. this wasnt long enough. So Fi was still pumping out the water from the bilge. I then fasioned a thick metal coat hanger with a 90 degree bend about 8 inches along and put this in the sea cosk and renched it around until the water burst through with a good flow rate and lots of small peices of mussel shell! The joys all of this took about 30 minutes and off we went. I can only think that a mussel had grown inside my intake grill and i was able to dislodge it although it was forced back into the opening with the water intake thus stopping the flow of water on a number of occassions

We will finally have fottage of our debacles online in the next 4 - 6 weeks. we are currently in the middle of frances sailinghyjanorra (youtube, facebook, instagram twitter etc)
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