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Gas Bottles

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 12:05 pm
by Sabre27Admin
United Kingdom
104 Posts

Posted - 19/01/2011 : 17:13:57
Any bright ideas about gas bottles in one of the cockpit lockers? The space between the two beches is filled with a diesel tank, making a cockpit locker the only realyy viable option.

I could stow one bottle in the cockpit, and have the in use bottle in a locker maybe?

Any sensible suggestion will be seriously appreciated.



Kind Regards

Mike T
67 Posts

Posted - 20/01/2011 : 14:27:20
Hi Ian,
My gas bottle is stored in a proper gas bottle holder rack in the aft end of the port side cockpit locker (with a vent hole in the transom). I will try get some photos for you and put them up on here.


United Kingdom
104 Posts

Posted - 21/01/2011 : 16:53:13

I would really appreciate that.



Kind Regards


United Kingdom
51 Posts

Posted - 21/01/2011 : 19:20:26 Sunfly's Homepage Edit Reply Reply with Quote View user's IP address Delete Reply
My Gas bottles were situated just behind the tiller. the sat on the duck boards, with some extra strips screwed in, to stop them slipping around, and under/behind a plywood cover. drainage couldn't be better, being situated over the cockpit drain.

I use past tense as I abandoned gas in favour of paraffin...

Nothing - absolute nothing half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats

United Kingdom
48 Posts

Posted - 27/01/2011 : 18:12:51
I am a big fan of the Origo meths cooker: very compact, as quick as gas when cooking, safer than gas, no meths 'smell' if looked after properly.


178 Posts

Posted - 27/01/2011 : 18:57:13
How do you cook without an oven?

Paul Howard. S27OA Technical Officer.

United Kingdom
58 Posts

Posted - 28/01/2011 : 10:57:34
Hi Ian,

I have just researched the same subject and my conclusions are that the best and safest location for a gas locker is between the tiller and transom in a bespoke locker which I am making with 3/4" marine ply, with a hinged lid/seat top. (Key safety point for me is that any gas spill would go straight out through the drainage hole immediately behind the tiller. Gas bottles housed in the port or s/bd lockers have no such drainage.) Two bottles are connected via flexible hoses to a T mainfold and regulator. I am then running fixed ( ie it will not move once installed) 8 mm copper pipe across the transom and then round the innner port side of the hull protected with rubber/wooden gromets as it passes through bulkheads to a stop cock in the galley. Thereafter an armoured hose to the gimballed cooker. Total bill for the parts from Calorgas Salisbury is £150 inc VAT. I have not yet purchased the timber but will keep you posted if you are interested, but the design is simple and I will e mail a plan separately if you are interested.

In case it looks as if the "new member" is a bit of a clever Dicky, I should add that much of my research has been courtesy of Paul Howard and I hope my finished locker will be as sound as Corsair's!

Rory Steevenson

United Kingdom
104 Posts

Posted - 28/01/2011 : 12:28:51
I am coming round to the mount in the cockpit route. Unfortunately the last owner fitted a new fuel tank right in the stern which make a continuous locker impractical. I am thinking of two triangular lockers, one either side of the tiller. One would merely be a store while the other would contain the bottle. I currently have camping gaz bottles that are screw fit, where you have to turn the bottle, adding to the problems.

I had an Origo on the last boat, and personally would go that route, but SWMBO took one look at the oven and said that has to stay.

Bit rich considering I do the cooking I thought

I wuld like to see any pictures or diagrams as they become available. I am planning to do this in 2 stages. First is to make existing arrangement safe. New flexible hoses etc. Second is to re run the copper into the new lockers.



Kind Regards
