Discounted prices for charts and other nautical publications
For S27OA members, publisher Imray Laurie Norie and Wilson has agreed to sell items from its catalogue at discounted prices - not only Imray products but also charts and books from other publishers that are marketed by Imray. The following discount rates are offered:
- Imray charts (including digital charts) and books: 25%
- Admiralty charts and books: 10%
- Most charts and books from other publishers: 25%
To inspect what is available, members will be invited to enter the S27OA Discount Password. The password will give access to Imray’s illustrated catalogue, in a version that shows the discounted prices. (To make a purchase, buyers must then register and/or sign-in to Imray’s system, to enable the order to be processed.)
The Discount Password is the same as the password for the website copy of the Technical Handbook. If you have forgotten it, please contact the Membership Secretary.
NOTE. For some items, searching in the Imray catalogue requires a little persistence and imagination. For instance, if looking for Admiralty chart 34 (Isles of Scilly) it may be difficult to find by scrolling through the catalogue, so type AC34 in the search box, or go to the ‘Welcome to our online shop’ page, click on ‘charts’ and use the ‘chart finder’ search bar in the drop-down menu.
IMPORTANT. Each sales contract is between Imray and the purchaser. Any queries on prices or delivery etc. must be directed to Imray and not to the S27OA. Prices or other arrangements may be changed without notice.
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