Sabre 27 Owners Association Constitution
- The Association shall be known as the ‘Sabre 27 Owners Association’ and membership shall be open to any owner of a Sabre 27 or anyone otherwise interested in the Sabre 27, on a family basis. A Member may nominate any one other person to be included in the membership list as a spouse/partner.
- The committee shall consist of Commodore, Vice Commodore, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, A Bosun (stores), Technical Officer and an Honorary Editor plus four other elected members and such Area Representatives as affairs of the Association require.
- The Commodore or the Vice Commodore shall chair committee meetings and the AGM
- Officers and Members shall be elected or re-elected bi-annually by majority vote at the AGM subject to a maximum of four years in office, unless there is no other candidate in which case this Rule may be varied beyond four years.
- Members voting rights at the AGM will be dependant on their subscription being paid up to date. Husband or wife shall be eligible to vote but not under age children (less than 18 yrs) – i.e one vote per family membership. All questions at the AGM shall be determined by a majority of votes of those present. The Chairman of the meeting shall have a second casting vote in a case of equality.
- Annual Subscriptions sums shall be as determined from time to time by a properly constituted committee and notified at the next AGM and will fall due on 1st December. Subscriptions not paid by 1st March will be deemed to have lapsed.
- Notice of time date and place of the AGM will be circulated to all paid-up members not less than 21 days before the date.
- Other General Meetings will take place from time to time and at such place and time as the Flag Officers and other officers deem necessary.
- Events such as local rallies and meetings may take place as and when local members wish.
- A newsletter will be published from time to time and mailed to all paid up members.
- An Income and Expenditure Account shall be prepared annually to 30th September for presentation to the next following AGM. They shall be certified by the Honorary Treasurer and Honorary Secretary and independently audited. Copies of the accounts shall be distributed to each member attending the AGM.
- As and when required, the Constitution of the Association can be amended by due process at an Annual General Meeting or ExtraOrdinary General Meeting as necessary.
- Should the Association be wound up and cease to exist, after paying all debts and expenses, the residual funds should be donated to the R.N.L.I.
- The Association shall publish a list of members of the Association, the circulation of which shall be restricted to members of the Association and this list shall not include addresses. Only Officers and committee members shall have access to full details
Amended document November 2002