Welcome to the Sabre 27 Owners’ Association
The Sabre 27 Owners’ Association is an active organisation that helps its members to make the most of this proven and capable yacht. It provides technical support and its organised events take the form of meetings and various local rallies, (with and without boats), bringing the eclectic membership together to exchange experiences, information and advice.
The Association is open to any owner, part owner, or anyone interested in the Sabre 27 sailing yacht. As well as information about events and access to an excellent network of experienced & friendly Sabre owners, members receive our regular newsletter Rattling Sabres. Our up-to-date technical handbook is presented to each new member.
The Technical Handbook, which was first produced in 2001 by our then Technical Officer Cliff Woolley, takes the form of an A4 presentation binder. Over the years it has expanded substantially and contains a wealth of instructional information about the Sabre 27. It includes many useful technical articles either specifically written for the Handbook by various members or adapted from past Rattling Sabres.
S27OA Dates for 2023
South Coast Rally: Weekend of 2nd-3rd September 2023 at Hardway SC in Portsmouth Harbour.
The 2023 AGM will be a Zoom meeting taking place on Sunday 26 November 2023. More details will be sent to members in due course.
Application for Membership
To apply for membership to the Sabre 27 Owners’ Association, click here for a printable application form and complete on line before printing – handwriting sometimes leads to errors! After completion, please post it together with your cheque for £40 (comprised of a £27 joining fee to cover the cost of the Handbook etc + £13 annual subscription) to The Membership Secretary (find the address on the form).
Join S27OA NowDiscounted prices for charts and other nautical publications
The Association has negotiated an agreement, with a nautical publisher, for S27OA members to purchase many charts and other publications with discounts of up to 25%. For further details, click here.
Discounted prices for marine electronic equipment
The Association has negotiated an agreement, with a manufacturer of marine electronic kit, for S27OA members to purchase their equipment with discounts of up to 25%. For further details click here.
Rattling Sabres – the Newsletter of the Sabre 27 Owners Association
The Sabre 27 Owners Association has a magazine/newsletter which is published two or three times a year. It is filled with articles sent in by members including Technical subjects, engine/headlining replacement, sailing logs, modifications and improvements, experiences, association events and anything to do with Sabres and sailing them. Technical subjects are added to the Sabre Handbook for members future reference. The selection of covers below are paintings of members boats.
The Sabre 27
The Sabre 27 was designed by Alan F Hill and the prototype was built in 1969 by Eric White of Marine Construction (UK) Ltd. (Marcon). Between 1969 and approximately 1982 some 400 hulls were moulded. When the Marcon went into liquidation the moulds were bought by Brue Yachts of Highbridge, Somerset who made a few boats until the early 1990’s. The moulds are no longer in existence. Click here for more technical information.
Sabre 27 Owners’ Association Burgees
No-Survey Insurance
The S27OA has undertaken discussions with an insurer, in order to enable members to obtain insurance for their Sabre 27 class yachts without having to commission professional surveys. Details are set out in a pamphlet, which is only available to members of the Association.
15 Minutes of Fame by Ian French
Sabre 27 Association Website
The Sabre 27 Association website is designed and managed by Tinstar Design of Lymington – graphic design Hampshire, web design & customised year planners to businesses in the UK and abroad.