No Survey Insurance
The S27OA has undertaken discussions with an insurer, in order to enable members to obtain insurance for their Sabre 27 class yachts without having to commission professional surveys. Details are set out in a pamphlet, which is only available to members of the Association.
A diligent owner will always take steps to ensure that his/her boat is in a seaworthy condition and a survey may be appropriate in order to ensure that any defects are highlighted. Even so, the cost of a survey is usually greater than the cost of the insurance and there are indications that some survey reports may give undue prominence to minor items, which have no significant influence on seaworthiness, in order to close liability loopholes rather to present a balanced assessment of risk.
The Sabre 27 Owners Association is not an insurance broker, has no commercial interest in this matter and does not offer advice relating to insurance. However, a member who wishes to explore this opportunity should contact either the Honorary Secretary or the Technical Officer, who will send them a copy of the explanatory pamphlet.
Please note that, in order to take advantage of this insurance arrangement, it is helpful to have records of previous maintenance and replacements. When purchasing a Sabre, it is therefore advisable to obtain all relevant documents from the previous owner (eg. receipts for equipment and work carried out on the boat).
Notes for Sabre 27 sellers
A new owner will want to know all about the boat and its equipment. Records of equipment purchases, maintenance and replacements will also be helpful if a prospective purchaser wants to take advantage of the ‘no survey’ insurance scheme. Owners who plan to sell their Sabres are therefore advised to assemble all relevant documents and receipts, so that they can be passed on when the boat changes hands.
Beware! Yacht brokers often remove and dispose of all paperwork in order to make the boat look ‘tidy’. When selling a Sabre, don’t let them destroy these important records.